University Don’s Attend the Quality Post-Graduate Training Workshop

Aligned to the Vice-Chancellor’s transformation and repositioning vision, the Board of Post-Graduate Studies held a training workshop with the theme Transforming and Repositioning University of Eldoret Through Quality Post-Graduate Training for the University Don’s. The main objective of the workshop was to strengthen the post-graduate supervision practises and requirements so as to ensure that all the students who register for postgraduate studies complete their programs within the required timelines and the University to have a better progression rate to graduation. The Don’s were advised they would need to change their ways of postgraduate supervision to ensure better completion rates of the post-graduates.

Prof. Julius Ochuodho’s presentation on “Strategies on Effective Postgraduate Supervision in Kenya" gave insights into various strategies post-graduate supervisors may utilise in order to ensure continuous engagement between the supervisor and the post-grad student. 

Prof. David Some presentation titled “Towards Quality Assurance in Postgraduate Supervision in Kenya” gave highlights on the challenges Universities encounter with postgraduate education and ways to provide quality assessments in supervision.
Prof. Augustino Onkware elaborated through his presentation how to “Strengthen Aulity Assessment of Thesis” to the Dons. He covered issues of the oral and written presentation of theses, attributes of the examiners how these methodology should be outlined.

Dr. Frank Masese gave an enlightening presentation on “Publishing Research Findings in a High Impact Journal: What it takes, Challenges and Pros.”

The workshop is part of the Mentorship programs that the Directorate will be extending to Dons and the Postgraduate Students.

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