Trans Nzoia County University Task Force Committee

H.E. Hon. George Natembeya, the Governor of the County Government of Trans Nzoia, as part of his education agenda for the County committed that his administration would establish a higher learning institution in the County with the objective of elevating the County’s educational standing.  This would be an answer to the residents long-standing requests. Consequently, the Trans Nzoia University Task Force was established and inaugurated on April 16th, 2023 with Prof. Maribo Lumala as the Chairperson having the objective of ensuring the university’s establishment within a few years.  

The Trans Nzoia University Task Force delegation led by Prof. Maribo Lumala paid a courtesy call to the Vice-Chancellor Prof. Thomas Cheruiyot as part of their bench marking exercise. This was after the public participation fora held in the 5 sub-counties and residents requested University of Eldoret to be one of the University’s to benchmark with. After discussions with the Chair of Council, Prof. Ismail Buro and members of the University Management Board, the Task Force team was taken around to see the various University facilities.

The Trans Nzoia University Task Force team comprised of Prof. Lumala, the Chairperson and Dr. Helen Yego, the Vice-Chairperson. The members include Dr. David Lwongale, Mr. Hosea Chemele, Prof. Caleb Elungat, Mr. Julius Kunze, Mr. Alfred Mang’oli, Prof. Bathan Khaemba (the former principal of Chepkoilel University College), Dr. Julie Makomere and Mr. Emmanuel Makhanu.

During the visit, the team's discussion sessions focused on;

  1. Commission of University Education requirements,
  2. Agricultural Sciences and related disciplines,
  3. Humanities and related disciplines,
  4. Partnerships available to support exchanges,
  5. The University of Eldoret Agribusiness Trade Fair,
  6. International educational affairs and outreach activities,
  7. ISO certification

Present during the visit were the Ag. Deputy Vice Chancellor (AF) - Dr. Nicholas Makau, Ag. Deputy Vice-Chancellor (ASA) - Prof. Beatrice Were, Deputy Vice-Chancellor (PRE) - Prof. Philip Raburu, Registrar - Dr. Ben Mwasi, Ag. Registrar-Administration - Dr. Francis Ikapel, Senior Legal Officer - mr. Stephen Anditi, Ag. Finance Officer - CPA. Barnabas Agar, Dean, School of Education - Dr. Hosea Kiplagat, Dean, School of Business, Economics and Management Sciences - Dr. Caroline Ayuma and Asst. Registrar (Corporate Affairs and Marketing) - Ms. Cynthia Chebii.

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