Prof. Beatrice Were
Office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor
(Academic & Students’ Affairs)
University of Eldoret,
P.O. Box 1125-30100,
Eldoret, Kenya.
Mobile: +254(0) 774 249 552
Fax No. +254(0) 532 063 257
Prof. Beatrice Were
Office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor
(Academic & Students’ Affairs)
University of Eldoret,
P.O. Box 1125-30100,
Eldoret, Kenya.
Mobile: +254(0) 774 249 552
Fax No. +254(0) 532 063 257
Highlighted personnel/offices showcasing their expertise, contributions, and key roles to the University.
Mr. Archer Arina Omollo Alternate to Principal Secretary, State Department of Higher Education and Research, Ministry of Edu
Elizabeth Mkandoe Shungula Alternate to the Cabinet Secretary, National Treasury
Dr. Hosea Kiplagat Dean, School of Education
Prof. Victor Kimeli Director, Directorate of Information and Communication Technology
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