Directorate of Gender, Equity and Diversity

Welcome to Directorate of Gender Equity and Diversity at University of Eldoret. The page highlights the Directorates’ mandate and navigates you through the University of Eldoret Gender Policies; Gender policy (2014) and Sexual harassment policy (2014).

The directorate of Gender Equity and Diversity is housed in the School of Business complex, Second floor left wing Room 205. Our mandate focusses on promotion of gender and equity responsiveness in the provision of goods and services to University of Eldoret consumers who include members of staff and students, University Council and Senate and their committees, consultants, service providers, vendors, local community and any other agent/stakeholder of the University who engages in university activities, business, or transactions. The Directorate is cognizant of the gender related life challenges, issues, concerns and special needs of all vulnerable groups or any nationally or legally recognized groups including but not limited to persons with disabilities. The Directorate achieves its mandate through application and utilization of gender related international, national, and institutional policies that protect and promote such group rights and interests.

The Directorate of Gender equity and Diversity at University of Eldoret has established partnership with Gender & Disability Development Centre (GDDC) Kenya in gender mainstreaming issues that promote gender and equity in educational settings. The Directorate of Gender equity and Diversity has embarked on the process of reviewing the Gender policies in place and developing a gender-based violence policy. In addition, the university is committed to establish a creche for breastfeeding mothers. Having a creche (childcare facility) on-site at the office will provide several benefits that positively impact employee productivity. It will eliminate stress and logistical challenges of arranging external child care, allowing parents to focus on their work with peace of mind; improve job satisfaction among staff and increase employee retention, just to mention but a few.

To increase gender awareness levels at the university and its environs the directorate of Gender Equity and Diversity has embarked on a focused and integrated sensitization program to reach out to all staff, students and the local community. Gender-based Violence (GBV) is one of the leading causes of death among women of reproductive age and it exceeds rates of death caused by both malaria and car accidents in this demographic (Richard and Haglan, 2015). It’s therefore prudent to engage men to end gender-based violence. In November, 2023 the DGE&D and UoE-UASU leadership partnered to sensitize university of Eldoret male staff on concepts and trends of gender-based violence (domestic and workplace) and on the legal framework and enforcement of GBV and sexual harassment prevention programs. In 2024, the directorate of GE&D is committed to sensitize the students and the local community on gender-based violence issues. Every year, since 2016, the directorate has spearheaded the celebrations of international womens’ day by inviting women from all walks of life to join the University of Eldoret womens’ caucus to share experiences as women; religiously, every year, all University of Eldoret women come together for a dinner party and are taken through various gender issues in line with the years’ campaign theme for the IWD. Notably, on March, 8th 2024, a total of 40 ladies came together to mark 2024 IWD whose campaign theme was ‘’Inspire inclusion’’. This day was graced by a senior principal magistrate of Milimani Law courts- Hon. Dolphina Atieno Alego as the guest speaker. Among the many hats she wears, she’s specialized in Gender and Conflict Resolution having attained the same at Koffi Annan International Peace training institute and has worked with various international human rights institutions namely; Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW), Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC), African charter on Human and Peoples Rights (ACHPR), ACRWC among others. The evening was well spent and most, if not all concerns, on gender legal frameworks; conflict management; dispute resolution and issues of gender equity, equality and empowerment both at home and at the work place were addressed.

The directorate of GE&D has gender policies (UoE Gender policy and Sexual harassment policy) that provide an overarching guiding strategy for gender mainstreaming at University of Eldoret. The overall goal of the Gender policy is to promote gender equity and equality between men and women in the University by addressing gender issues in planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of University programs, training, research, and extension; and contribute to the achievement of equal opportunities, conducive working and learning environment and level playing ground for both genders. The overall objective of the gender policy is to establish ways of eliminating gender disparities, prejudices and discrimination in University of Eldoret in relation to its core functions. The specific objectives of this policy are to: 

  1. Achieve equal representation of both genders in the governance and management of the University of Eldoret. 
  2. Mainstream gender in university policies; academic programs and activities; planning, budgeting, implementation, monitoring and evaluation processes.
  3. Promote creation and sustenance of a gender responsive working, living and learning environment.
  4. Promote and sustain an institutional culture that is empowering to both genders. 
  5. Eliminate sexual harassment and gender-based violence. 
  6. Promote and increase research and outreach activities on gender issues and mainstreaming. 
  7. Promote gender equity and equality in staff recruitment, deployment, development, promotion, retention and welfare.
  8. Promote gender equity and equality in student enrollment, progression, completion and welfare.
  9. Provide guidelines that shall enable the University to eliminate discriminatory practices, procedures and rules.

Scope of gender policy: The policy provisions focus on access, equity, retention, transition, promotion, completion, relevance, and quality; in financing, governance and management of the University units and activities at all levels for the benefit of all. Guiding Principles: This policy is premised on the following principles:

  1. University of Eldoret is an equal opportunity employer. If one gender is clearly under represented it shall be given preference in principle as long as the minimum qualifications are met. 
  2. The University is obliged to address gender inequalities where/when they exist. 
  3. Gender equality does not mean that women are the same as men. 
  4. Achieving gender equality shall require specific measures designed to eliminate gender inequalities. 
  5. Achieving gender equality does not mean that women become the same as men. 
  6. Affirmative action shall be used to correct gender imbalances in the recruitment of staff, training, promotion and retention; and in determining admission criteria for students into various programs. 
  7. The policy affirms the right to equitable, quality education for students. Affirmative action shall apply in relation to the admission criteria, minimum entry points and program/cluster cut-off points. 
  8. All Schools, Departments/Units shall use the principle and practice of gender mainstreaming to enhance attainment of gender equity and equality.
  9. Equal participation of women and men, especially in governance and management, shall be assured.
  10. Empowerment of women and men shall be used as a key strategy for the achievement of gender equity and equality.
  11. Women's empowerment is central to achieving gender equality. 
  12. The University is guided by the principle of zero tolerance on sexual harassment and gender-based violence. 
  13. Gender equity and equality shall be integrated and enforced as a cross-cutting theme in all programs and activities.
  14. Partnership and collaboration in the realization of gender equity and equality shall be maintained and enhanced. 

Target of the Gender Policy: The policy is designed to be used by the management and all staff in their everyday work as a reference for planning, decision-making, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of activities and programs. The policy is not designed to contravene the existing University policies.

You are all invited to read UoE Gender policy (2014) and Sexual harassment policy (2014) to familiarize yourself with the policy provisions. These policies seek to contribute in transforming University of Eldoret fraternity and stakeholders into a leading gender responsive institution of academic excellence. The gender policy also responds to the national, regional and international legal and policy frameworks for gender equality and women’s empowerment. 
Please note that ‘’Gender equality is not a battle of the sexes, it’s a battle for equality, a battle that men and women must wage side-by-side. The empowerment of women is about empowerment of humanity.

National GBV rapid response system and helpline: 1195

University of Eldoret; DGE&D office- School of Business Complex Room 206.

Prof. Judith A. Makwali

Prof. Judith A. Makwali
Director, Gender, Equity and Diversity
View Profile

Director, Gender, Equity and Diversity
University of Eldoret,
P.O. Box 1125-30100,
Eldoret, Kenya.Email:

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